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China¡¯s Action Plan for Improving the Production Safety


The Work Safety Commission of the State Council recently issued the ¡®Three-Year Action Plan for Improving the Production Safety of Chemical and Hazardous Materials (2024-2026)¡¯, which proposed 20 specific measures in eight aspects. Meanwhile, the Office of the Work Safety Commission of the State Council has centrally issued 31 sub-plans formulated by various departments, forming an overall framework of ¡ä1+31¡ä for the fundamental improvement of production safety.

Over the next three years, the following ¡äEight Major Actions¡ä will be carried out in depth:
1. Safety education and training for heads of business entities
2. Improvement of the assessment system for hazards that could lead to major accidents
3. Dynamic elimination of major accident hazards
4. Safety technology support and engineering management
5. Safety awareness capacity-building for company employees
6. Safety management system-building for business entities
7. Precise law enforcement and assistance for safe production
8. Strengthening of the public¡äs workplace safety knowledge

According to the plan, through these efforts, the government aims to achieve a ¡ädynamic zero-hazard¡ä level in the prevention of major work-related accidents.