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The 27th China Chlor Alkali Forum Kicked off in Suzhou


The 27th China Chlor Alkali Forum kicked off in Suzhou from April 25th to 26th, with over 320 representatives from the chlor-alkali and upstream and downstream industries attending the meeting. The forum had a total of 21 keynote speeches. President Zhang Wenlei of CCAIA analyzed the current situation faced by the chlor-alkali industry and introduced the focus of the Association¡äs work in promoting high-quality development of the industry in his speech at the conference. Experts from the National Information Center gave a special report on the analysis and outlook of China¡äs macroeconomic situation. Experts from the Energy Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission gave a special report on the development situation and policy trends of energy in China. CCAIA gave a thematic report on the economic operation analysis and related key policies of the chlor-alkali industry. Additionally, Calcium Carbide Industry Association of China, China Salt Association, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association Aluminum Branch, and China Photovoltaic Industry Association respectively provided a helpful insight into the status quo and prospects of upstream calcium carbide and salt industries, the development of aluminum industry, and the development and outlook of photovoltaic industry. The meeting also heard special reports on market analysis of caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride flooring and pipelines, as well as analysis of the construction of chlorine consumption product systems for chlor alkali enterprises and their coupled development with the field of new energy and new materials. Special introductions were also given on new technologies, equipment, and products serving the chlor-alkali industry.