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Analysis of Recent Market Trend of Calcium Carbide in China


After the Chinese New Year holiday, China calcium carbide market fluctuated frequently. Especially in the consumer market, due to the reduction of transportation costs, most PVC enterprises had one or two rounds of adjustment in their purchase prices, and the overall market focus was lower than pre-holiday.

Specifically, although some calcium carbide manufacturers in the northwest reduced their production loads and output before the holiday, the inventory pressure still increased during the holiday due to factors such as increasing snowfall and difficulties in vehicle allocation. After the resumption of transportation after the holiday, although calcium carbide manufacturers had temptations to raise their shipment quotes, the actual transaction focus remained at the pre-holiday level.

In terms of the consumer market, the arrival prices of calcium carbide in major consumer areas have gradually decreased, mainly due to the following reasons:
1. The current downstream PVC enterprises still have not fully digested the calcium carbide inventory stored before the holiday.
2. During the later part of the holiday, the transportation situation improved, and the arrival of calcium carbide from the northwest gradually increased. There were vehicles waiting to be unloaded at the factory area, so the downstream proposed a demand for price reduction.

After this round of adjustment, the calcium carbide market in the northwest entered a state of waiting again. This week, cold and snowy weather occurred in North China, Central China and other regions, and the market focused on the transportation of calcium carbide and the changes in the operation of downstream PVC facilities.