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The EIAs Progress of Three Major Coal Chemical Projects


Recently, the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued announcements successively, approving the environmental impact reports for the olefins, aromatics, and deep processing engineering of the 15 million tons per year coal fractionation clean and efficient conversion demonstration project of Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd of Shaanxi Coal Group,the 800,000 tons per year coal-to-olefins project in Wu Caiwan, Zhundong by Xinjiang Shanneng Chemical Co., Ltd., and the 800,000 tons per year coal-to-olefins project by Xinjiang Dongming Plastics Co., Ltd.

The project of Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Coal Group has a total investment of 175.973 billion yuan, of which 11.909 billion yuan is invested in environmental protection, accounting for 6.77% of the project construction investment.

The project of Xinjiang Shanneng Chemical Co., Ltd. uses coal as raw material and adopts technologies such as coal pulverized pressure gasification, purification, methanol synthesis, methanol-to-olefins, and green hydrogen coupling olefins production.The designed raw coal consumption is 3.9021 million tons per year, fuel coal consumption is 412,300 tons per year (5 years after green hydrogen implantation reduced to 233,900 tons per year), fresh water consumption is 7.1064 million cubic meters per year (5 years after green hydrogen implantation reduced to 6.6730 million cubic meters per year).

The project of Xinjiang Dongming Plastics Co., Ltd. has a raw coal consumption of 3.435 million tons per year and fresh water consumption of 8.467 million cubic meters per year.