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Gansu Silicon-Fluorine New Material Project Officially Started


On January 28, 2024, the largest industrial project in the history of Gansu - Gansu Juhua New Materials Co., Ltd.¡äs high-performance silicon-fluorine new material integration project officially started.

It is understood that the total investment of the project is 41.047 billion yuan, and it is planned to build a new plant with an annual output of 360,000 tons of industrial silicon, 100,000 tons of polysilicon, 50,000 tons of Trichlorosilane, 125,000 tons of fluoropolymers, 150,000 tons of AHF, 300,000 tons of calcium chloride, 300,000 tons of sulfuric acid, 240,000 tons of calcium carbide, 900,000 tons of ion membrane caustic soda (comprehensive utilization of the project¡äs self-produced waste salt) and other devices, as well as comprehensive buildings, control centers, warehousing, "three wastes" treatment and disposal facilities, public works and other infrastructure.

The project is divided into two parts: chemical industry and new energy, and the chemical part of the project has five integration characteristics: source-grid-load-storage, fluorine-silicon linkage, upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, mineral development and industrial development, and industry-city integration.