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A World Class Green Petrochemical Industry Base will be built in Zhejiang


Recently, Zhejiang Province issued the "Action Plan for the Development of Green Petrochemical (Fine Chemical) Industry Cluster in Zhejiang Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Green Petrochemical Plan"), proposing to build a world-class green petrochemical industry base by 2027, with the operating income of enterprises above the designated size of the cluster reaching 2 trillion yuan and the total scale ranking among the top three in the country.

The green petrochemical industry is the largest pillar industry in Zhejiang, with a complete industrial chain from petroleum refining to basic chemical raw materials, new chemical materials, and high-end specialized chemicals. Based on the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, the Green Petrochemical Plan proposes to adapt to the trend of diversified global raw material development, optimize the structure of olefin and aromatics raw materials, guide the lightweighting of olefin raw materials, and create a distinctive light hydrocarbon industrial chain in the future.

Major projects are the key support for the development of the green petrochemical industry. Regarding the construction of major projects, Zhejiang will strengthen coordination in project filing, energy assessment, environmental impact assessment, safety assessment, and initial process demonstration. Provincial departments will provide guidance and tracking services for major chemical projects worth over 5 billion yuan. By 2027, major project investments of over 300 billion yuan will be completed.

Chemical industrial parks have become an important carrier for the development of the chemical industry. In the future, Zhejiang will further standardize the development of chemical industrial parks, strictly enforce the admission standards and procedures for chemical projects in the parks and improve the quality of lately introduced and new projects from the source. By 2027, a total of six chemical industrial parks with an annual output value exceeding 100 billion yuan will be built.

In terms of regional development, the "Green Petrochemical Plan" clearly states that it supports Ningbo¡äs construction of a national advanced manufacturing cluster for green petrochemical, encourages Zhoushan to "reduce oil and increase chemical production", and strengthen the petrochemical circular industry chain based on refining and chemical integration, characterized by new chemical materials, specialty chemicals and petrochemical equipment. At the same time, efforts will be made to promote the coordinated development of cities such as Jiaxing, Quzhou, Shaoxing, and Taizhou, and sharpen characteristic fields such as electronic chemicals and fine chemicals. By 2027, the proportion of green petrochemical production value in Ningbo and Zhoushan in the province will exceed 55%.

In addition, the Green Petrochemical Plan proposes 22 measures in 8 aspects, such as stimulating industrial innovation, accelerating digital integration, promoting green and safe development and expanding industrial openness and cooperation so as to contribute to shaping a world leading green petrochemical industry base in Zhejiang.

One of the highlights is that Zhejiang has also established a "one cluster, one service team" to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial clusters with professional service capabilities. The Zhejiang Province Green Petrochemical (Fine Chemical) Industry Cluster Expert Service Team has launched the "Independent and Controllable Digital Transformation Services" and "Major Project Industry Financial Services" plans in 2024, striving to create a number of major demonstration projects for independent and controllable digital transformation by 2024, providing financial support for the landing and construction of a number of major projects, and promoting the high-quality development of the Green Petrochemical (Fine Chemical) Industry Cluster.