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Shaanxi Yuneng Fine Chemical New Project Design Review


On January 27-28, the 100,000 tons/year propylene oxide process package review meeting was held in Tianjin. The process package belongs to 1,000,000 tons/year high-end chemicals new materials project of Shaanxi Yunneng Fine Chemical Materials Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Yunneng Fine Chemical Materials Co., Ltd., Sandi Construction Engineering Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Co. Ltd , and the invited expert panel for process package review attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the report on the design concept of propylene oxide process package, the preparation and depth of documents, the main process configuration, the technological scheme, special process design, and chain safety reliability of China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Co. Ltd was heard. The participants and experts carried out strict and thorough review and discussion on the process package. It was unanimously agreed that the design documents of the process package were in line with national and industry norms and standards, and the design content and depth met the requirements of "Content regulations for process design packages (complete technical process packages) of petrochemical facilities". The well-done review work of the process package laid a foundation for the implementation of the project, and also marked that the 100,000 tons/year propylene oxide facility had shifted from the process package design to the engineering design stage.

The construction content of the project mainly includes 400,000 tons/year DMTA facility, 200,000 tons/year ethylene oxide facility, 200,000 tons/year polyether superplasticizer large monomer, 100,000 tons/year propylene oxide facility, 260,000 tons/year hydrogen peroxide facility, 80,000 tons/year acrylic acid facility, 120,000 tons/year butyl acrylate facility, 400,000 tons/year acrylate emulsion facility, 400,000 tons/year polycarboxylate superplasticizer facility and supporting public and auxiliary facilities.