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The Transaction Pace has Accelerated in Northwest China


Today, the domestic caustic soda market remains stable overall, with downstream demand-based procurement and continuous transaction at the previous level.
Southwest Region:
• Guizhou currently has no caustic soda production enterprises, and the downstream needs to purchase raw materials from outside the province. The provincial flake alkali is mainly supplied by contract suppliers in the northwestern region and the liquid alkali is mostly supplied by enterprises in Sichuan and Chongqing. Currently, local caustic soda facilities in these two regions have increased their operating rates, and the export of liquid alkali has slightly increased.
• Some caustic soda enterprises that were previously shut down in Chongqing have resumed production, increased their operating rates, and increased production. The supply of liquid alkali is sufficient.
Northwestern Region:
• The downstream industries of flake alkali in the northwestern region, such as alumina, textiles, and printing and dyeing, purchase flake alkali according to their needs. As the Spring Festival holiday approaches, there is active procurement of flake alkali, and the transaction pace has accelerated to a certain extent.
Central China Region:
• The operating rates of caustic soda facilities in Hubei Province are about 90%, slightly higher than in the previous period, and the production of liquid alkali has increased. Before the holiday, there is an increasing trend of downstream stockpiling. Currently, caustic soda enterprises are shipping normally, and the factory quotation for 32% liquid alkali today remains unchanged.