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Analysis of China¡äs Caustic Soda Market Trend


Liquid Alkali :
This week, the domestic liquid alkali market has been stable overall, and some production enterprises have adjusted their factory prices based on their own inventory situation. Analysis shows that the price of liquid alkali in some local areas has risen. One reason is that as the Spring Festival approaches, some enterprises with large alkali consumption have begun to stock up ahead of time, providing certain favorable support for the local liquid alkali market. Another reason is that some liquid alkali facilities have been shut down for maintenance, leading to a decrease in production in some local areas. As a result, the inventory of some enterprises has decreased, and some enterprises have shown a certain intention to raise their factory prices. However, on the other hand, industries such as printing and dyeing and chemical fiber have insufficient operating loads, resulting in slightly insufficient demand for liquid alkali. Additionally, the moderate foreign trade market for liquid alkali and the low enthusiasm for export among enterprises still exist as negative factors. Currently, the supply and demand balance in the domestic liquid alkali market has become more intense, and the market has shown wait-and-see atmosphere.
Flake Alkali£º
This week, the domestic flake alkali market has seen a rise in transaction prices in many areas, while individual regions have experienced a slight decrease in prices due to relatively high inventories. Most domestic flake alkali enterprises are operating normally, with stable facility load and production output. Major downstream alumina enterprises have maintained stable facility load and purchased caustic soda on demand. Textile and dyeing enterprises have low facility load and purchased caustic soda in a moderate manner. With the continuous downward adjustment of the transaction price of caustic soda alternatives, such as soda ash, some regions have seen a decrease in soda ash supply, providing favorable support for flake alkali purchases. As the inventory of flake alkali in the northwest region has been adjusted downward, some enterprises have seen a rise in their factory prices, driving an increase in flake alkali prices in the southwest, east and south regions. However, the pressure on flake alkali inventory in the northern region is relatively obvious, and individual enterprises have adjusted their factory prices downwards to a certain extent.