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Successful Trial Run of Jintai Chemical Shenmu Chlor Alkali Caustic Soda Unit


At 17:15 on April 20th, the caustic soda unit of the 600,000 ton/year high-performance resin and integrated equipment environmental protection innovation technology industrialization demonstration project of Jintai Chemical Shenmu Chlor-alkali under Shaanxi Investment Group was successfully tested, marking the official entry of the project into the trial production stage.

To ensure the successful start-up of the device, at 4am, all production, safety, operation and maintenance, analysis and testing personnel were in place, and equipment status confirmation, safety risk identification, and work environment analysis were carried out in an orderly manner according to their respective responsibilities. At 5:40, the electrolytic cell began to inject liquid; At 9:03, the electrolytic cell began to power on; At 10:53, the current of the electrolytic cell reached the set target of 8kA; At 17:15, the synthesis furnace was successfully ignited once... As of now, the 32% liquid alkali and 31% high-purity hydrochloric acid products produced by the device have all reached "excellent quality" after analysis and testing.

Jintai Chemical¡äs Shenmu chlor alkali caustic soda plant is equipped with two intelligent production lines, with a single production capacity of 300,000 tons/year, which is currently the largest single production line in China. The device adopts a fully halogenated alkali production process, using the most advanced Japanese Asahi Chemical zero pole distance sub membrane electrolysis cell and the advanced domestic by-product low pressure steam synthesis furnace. Besides, it is the first in the industry to use intelligent inspection robots to replace manual inspection, achieving unmanned operation in the electrolysis plant.

Faced with the short performance testing time of the new equipment and the lack of operating experience of new employees, since the load performance test of the first line rectification equipment of the caustic soda unit on April 1st, the Shenmu chlor alkali team worked together to overcome a number of difficulties with tenacious will and hard work and promote the trial production work as scheduled.

Next, with the gradual release of production capacity of the caustic soda unit and the stable operation and commissioning of each process of the PVC unit with materials, it is expected that in mid-May, the first set of global acetylene-based PVC products using mercury free catalysts will be produced and sold, and the 600,000 ton/year high-performance resin environmental protection demonstration project will be transferred to full pilot production. At that time, Shaanxi Investment Group¡äs green chemical sector will take a more solid step in the high-quality development, injecting strong momentum into building a high-end fine chemical industry innovation base.