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Huayi Qinzhou Waste Salt Comprehensive Utilization Project EIA Publicity


Guangxi Huayi Chlor-alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. entrusted Shanghai DEBL Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the Advanced Material Supporting Waste Salt Comprehensive Utilization Project in the Third Phase of Huayi Qinzhou Chemical New Material Integrated Base.

According to the Law of the People¡äs Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (Order No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment), the public announcement of the environmental impact assessment of this project is carried out to understand the public¡äs attitude towards this project and its opinions and suggestions on environmental protection, and to accept the supervision of the public. The contents of this announcement are as follows:

Overview of the Construction Project
Project Name: Advanced Material Supporting Waste Salt Comprehensive Utilization Project in the Third Phase of Huayi Qinzhou Chemical New Material Integrated Base
Constructing Organization: Guangxi Huayi Chlor-alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.
Nature of Construction: New Construction
Construction Location: Qinzhou Port Area, China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone
Project Scale and Main Construction Content: With the construction of the Huayi Qinzhou Chemical New Material Integrated Base project, industrial gas islands, propylene and downstream deep processing projects have been successively completed. To further enhance the completeness of the industrial structure of the park, while recycling and utilizing the waste salt generated by the third phase of the Huayi Qinzhou project, and solving the problem of waste salt pollution in the park, Guangxi Huayi Chlor-alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. plans to invest in the construction of the Advanced Material Supporting Waste Salt Comprehensive Utilization Project in the Third Phase of Huayi Qinzhou Chemical New Material Integrated Base. The project mainly includes a 300,000 tons/year caustic soda plant, a 400,000 tons/year vinyl chloride plant, and a 400,000 tons/year polyvinyl chloride plant. Auxiliary facilities such as a circulating water station, a transformer substation, and an intelligent three-dimensional warehouse will also be built to support the project.