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China will Establish and Improve a Standardized Carbon Footprint Management System


At the regular press conference held by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on May 29, Pei Xiaofei, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that to strengthen the management of carbon footprint, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment would jointly issue the "Implementation Plan for Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System" with other ministries and commissions soon.

Pei Xiaofei introduced that the plan would start with the carbon footprint of products, improve domestic rules, promote international convergence, and establish a unified and standardized carbon footprint management system. Starting with basic work such as standards, factors, system rules, the plan will promote the issuance of general principles for carbon footprint accounting of products and standards for carbon footprint accounting rules of key products, establish and improve a product carbon footprint factor database as well as systems for logo certification, graded management, and information disclosure.

The plan proposes to build a multi-party participation work pattern. It will strengthen policy coordination, increase financial support, enrich and expand the application scenarios of product carbon footprint promotion, encourage local pilot projects and policy innovation, promote leading enterprises in key industries to take the lead in trials, and form a joint force for promoting product carbon footprint and a working pattern of co-construction, co-responsibility, and co-sharing.

The plan proposes to promote international mutual trust in product carbon footprint rules. Follow up and judge the development trends of international carbon-related trade policies and related rules of product carbon footprint, promote the international connection of product carbon footprint rules, exchange and recognize product carbon footprint rules with countries that jointly build the "Belt and Road", actively participate in the formulation of international standard rules, and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation on carbon footprint work.

The plan proposes to enhance the capacity-building level of product carbon footprint. Strengthen the capacity-building for carbon footprint accounting of products, standardize professional services, cultivate specialized talent teams and institutions, and strengthen data quality, data security management, and intellectual property protection.

Pei Xiaofei said that in the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will accelerate the research and issuance of carbon footprint accounting methods and carbon footprint factors for key products such as electricity, coal, and fuel oil, providing a solid foundation for the carbon footprint accounting of the entire life cycle of downstream products.