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Wanhua Chemical Yantai¡äs Total PC Production Capacity Expected to expand to 600,000 tons


Recently, the draft environmental impact assessment report for the expansion and renovation project of polycarbonate (PC) in Wanhua Yantai Industrial Park of Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd was released at its official website for public consultation.

1. Construction project name and summary
Project Name: Polycarbonate (PC) Expansion and Renovation Project in Wanhua Yantai Industrial Park
Project location: Yantai Chemical Industry Park, Shandong Province
Project Overview: expand and renovate the 1 # PC device, 2 # PC device, 3 # PC device, and 1 # special PC device. After the project is completed, the total PC production capacity will be expanded from 480,000 tons/year to 600,000 tons/year. The feedstock and product warehouse, loading and unloading station, and other public and auxiliary facilities, as well as environmental protection facilities, all rely on the existing factory area of Wanhua Chemical.