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CCAIA was Invited to Attend the 4th Alumina and Electrolytic Aluminum Industry Development Conference


On June 6th, the 4th Alumina and Electrolytic Aluminum Industry Development Conference was held in Xining, Qinghai, attracting more than 200 representatives from key domestic alumina and electrolytic aluminum industry chain enterprises. Wen Xianjun, the former vice president of the Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, Zhou Xuezhi from the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and other guests attended the conference. Zhang Peichao, the vice president and secretary-general of CCAIA, was invited to the conference. The conference analyzed the situation and challenges faced by the alumina and electrolytic aluminum industry, and set up special reports on global macroeconomic situation analysis, alumina policy evolution, analysis of electrolytic aluminum and alumina futures market, introduction of imported bauxite, aluminum raw material market and aluminum demand change analysis. Zhang Peichao, the secretary-general of CCAIA, delivered a special report on "Analysis of the Supply and Demand Pattern and Influencing Factors of Caustic Soda in China", introducing the economic operation of the chlor-alkali industry, the supply and demand trend of caustic soda, and its influencing factors.