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The First Green Hydrogen Coupled Coal Chemical Project of China Energy Group


Recently, the Qingshuiying hydrogen production plant, the first phase of the Ningdong Renewable Hydrogen Carbon Emission Reduction Demonstration Zone constructed by Ningxia Branch of Guohua Investment (Hydrogen Energy Company) of China Energy Group, has been completed and handed over. This plant is the first green hydrogen coupled coal chemical project of China Energy Group. The hydrogen produced by this plant is exclusively used as a supplementary raw material for coal chemical projects, realizing the coupling demonstration application of green hydrogen and coal chemical industry.

As an important part of the Ningdong Renewable Hydrogen Carbon Emission Reduction Demonstration Zone Phase I Project, the Qingshuiying hydrogen production plant is the first full-industry-chain commercial demonstration project of "integration of green hydrogen production, storage, transportation, and utilization" and the first green hydrogen coupled coal chemical demonstration project of China Energy Group. With a total hydrogen production capacity of 15,000 Nm³/h, the plant adopts photovoltaic DC water electrolysis technology and is equipped with 16 alkaline electrolyzers (15 in operation and 1 on standby), with an annual design capacity of 3,080 tons. After being purified to 99.999%, the hydrogen produced by the plant will be cached, pressurized, and incorporated into the hydrogen pipeline network of the Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base for use as a supplementary raw material, thereby promoting the transformation of gray hydrogen to green hydrogen in the local coal chemical industry, replacing coal with hydrogen, and using green hydrogen to reduce carbon emissions. This will promote the high-end, diversified, and low-carbon development of the modern coal chemical industry.

China Energy Group regards the construction of new-quality productivity in the energy field as an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development. The Group vigorously promotes the green transformation of development modes and accelerates the cultivation of new-quality productivity in the energy field characterized by integration, decarbonization, high-end, and diversification. As the main force for green development of China Energy Group, Guohua Investment (Hydrogen Energy Company) attaches great importance to the cultivation and incubation of the hydrogen energy industry. Centering on the development strategy of "integration of wind, solar, hydrogen, storage, and finance," the company has built the first phase of the Ningdong Renewable Hydrogen Carbon Emission Reduction Demonstration Zone. After the project is put into operation, it will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 836,400 tons per year on average, and the total carbon dioxide emission reduction during the 25-year operation period will be approximately 20.91 million tons. This project is of great demonstrative significance for the Group to cultivate and develop new-quality productivity, promote the transformation and upgrading of the local energy industry, and contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality goals.