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Implementation Plan for National Carbon Peak Pilot Program (Guangzhou) Issued


The Guangzhou Municipal People¡äs Government has issued the Implementation Plan for the National Carbon Peak Pilot Program (Guangzhou).

By 2025, energy supply will continue to develop towards reduced carbon emissions and increased efficiency, energy utilization efficiency will continue to be improved and industrial structure and energy consumption structure will continue to be optimized while progress will be made in industrial digital low-carbon transformation. Besides, building energy utilization efficiency will be steadily upgraded, transportation modes will become more low-carbon, carbon sink resources will keep improved, green financial products and market systems will become more diversified, the original innovation ability of green low-carbon cutting-edge technologies will be significantly enhanced, zero carbon demonstration projects will show initial results, and the low-carbon awareness of the whole society will be greatly improved.

By 2030, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system will be fully established, energy resource utilization efficiency will be comprehensively improved, industrial structure and energy consumption structure will be further optimized and industrial digitization will empower low-carbon effects significantly. At the same time, urban and rural construction will continue to develop in a green and high-quality manner, the scale of new energy applications in transportation will increase significantly, the green factor trading system will be basically completed, the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem will be remarkedly enhanced while major breakthroughs will be made in key technologies for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, with a number of replicable and promotable typical cases of green and low-carbon development taking shape and green and low-carbon lifestyles becoming a mainstream public consciousness.