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A Scientific and Technological Achievement of Satellite Chemical has Passed the Evaluation


On July 19, 2024, Satellite Chemical Co., Ltd. successfully passed the evaluation meeting for its scientific and technological achievement of "A Green and Highly Selective Ethylene Dimerization Process for 1-Butene Production" in Beijing, organized by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation.

The evaluation committee concluded that Satellite Chemical had achieved multiple innovative breakthroughs in catalyst and additive development, reactor design, online descaling, and catalyst deactivation, demonstrating strong innovativeness. This project¡äs achievements have reached the international advanced level, with the catalytic system design reaching the international leading level. The evaluation committee unanimously approved the evaluation.

Project Background:
On June 24, the construction of the first domestic ¦Á-olefin comprehensive utilization high-end new material industrial park project invested and built by Satellite Chemical in Xuwei New Area, Lianyungang, was officially launched.

The project was signed on June 17, 2023, and its construction includes a 2.5 million tons per year alpha-olefin light hydrocarbon raw material unit, five 100,000 tons per year alpha-olefin units, three 200,000 tons per year POE units, two 500,000 tons per year high-end polyethylene (metallocene) units, two 400,000 tons per year PVC comprehensive utilization and supporting units, a 15,000 tons per year polyalpha-olefin unit, a 50,000 tons per year ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene unit, a by-product hydrogen decarbonization and resource utilization unit, LNG storage tanks, and more.

Currently, Phase I of the project has commenced construction and is progressing smoothly, with an estimated intermediate handover by the end of 2025 and commencement of production in early 2026. Phase II of the project is expected to complete all necessary procedures in the second half of this year and be completed by the end of 2026. Upon completion, the project will further enrich Satellite Chemical¡äs downstream industrial chain and help address the current shortage of high-end new chemical materials in China.