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China Energy Engineering Group¡¯s Green Methanol and Green Aviation Oil Integration Demonstration Project Signed in Tieling


China Energy Engineering Group signed contract for integrated demonstration project of green methanol and green aviation fuel. On August 3rd, the signing ceremony for the integrated demonstration project of green methanol and green aviation fuel for China Energy Engnieering Tieling Diaobingshan was held in Diaobingshan City. With a total investment of approximately 9 billion yuan, the project has an annual output of 200,000 tons of green alcohol and will be constructed in two phases. During the first phase, 100,000 tons of green alcohol and 20,000 tons of green aviation oil will be produced annually, with a total investment of approximately 4.2 billion yuan. Besides, supporting facilities such as centralized wind farms and photovoltaic power stations will be built. After completion, it can create additionally over 200 fixed employment opportunities and increase government tax revenue by approximately 75 million yuan per year.

Boasting abundant local wind and solar resources, the project will apply CO2 coupled new energy to produce hydrogen and methanol and extend the green aviation fuel production technology. It will shape a pattern of industrial linkage development in the local area by jointly building a green methanol and aviation oil ecosystem with upstream and downstream enterprises so as to achieve on-site consumption of new energy and high-quality development of local green and low-carbon economic industries.

The Liaoning company focuses on the new business model of "energy+" and "+energy" to practice the "1331" strategy while fully anchoring the "1618" goal as it strives to create a new pattern of high-quality development of a billion-dollar investment group!