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Shenmu Calcium Carbide Resource Utilization Project Passed Completion Acceptance


On August 9th, the Shenmu Calcium Carbide 1.2 million tons/year calcium carbide resource recycling and comprehensive utilization project successfully passed the safety facility completion acceptance.

The expert team successively listened to detailed reports from the construction organizer, supervisor, and evaluation unit on the project construction, joint trial operation, and safety acceptance evaluation conclusions, and reviewed relevant documents and materials. Subsequently, the team headed to the company¡äs production site for on-site inspections, focusing on calcium carbide, semi-coke, white ash, and organic water treatment equipment, to comprehensively understand the operation of production equipment and safety facilities.

After on-site inspection and data review, the expert team unanimously believes that the production systems and safety facilities of the Shenmu Calcium Carbide 1.2 million tons/year calcium carbide resource recycling and comprehensive utilization continuation project have been basically completed according to the approved safety facility design and preliminary design. After joint trial operation inspection, everything goes normal. All conditions meet the needs of safety production in terms of safety management, emergency rescue and occupational health. Also, classified control of safety risks, as well as the investigation and management of accident hazards comply with relevant regulations and requirements. Given that the conditions for safe completion acceptance are met, it is agreed that the safety facilities of the project passed the review and acceptance.