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Shandong Jinkong Riyue¡äs 100,000-ton Hydrogen Peroxide Upgrade and Expansion Project


Shandong Jinkong Riyue New Material Co., Ltd. plans to invest RMB 110.3 million within its existing plant area to construct a 100,000-ton 27.5% hydrogen peroxide upgrade and expansion project. The project will leverage the existing 100,000-ton hydrogen peroxide plant for its utility and auxiliary facilities. The hydrogen supply will come from the shift gas of the ammonia synthesis plant. Upon completion, the existing ammonia synthesis capacity will remain unchanged. The project is scheduled to commence in October 2024 and be completed in October 2025.

In August 2024, Jinan Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau announced the acceptance and public notice for Shandong Jinkong Riyue New Material Co., Ltd.¡äs annual 100,000-ton hydrogen peroxide upgrade and expansion project.