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Befar Group Applies for a Patent for the Coloration Method of Epichlorohydrin


According to the intellectual property information on Tianyancha, Befar Group and Befar Engineering Technology (Shandong) Co., Ltd. have filed a patent application titled "A Method for Reducing the Coloration of Epichlorohydrin by Utilizing the Principle of Activated Carbon Adsorption", with a publication number of CN202410613580.5 and an application date of May 2024.

The patent abstract indicates that this invention belongs to the field of epichlorohydrin production technology, specifically a method to reduce the coloration of epichlorohydrin using the principle of activated carbon adsorption. The method employs an activated carbon adsorption device for treatment, where epichlorohydrin is pumped into an activated carbon adsorber, and the epichlorohydrin undergoes adsorption treatment through the adsorber. Subsequently, the adsorbed epichlorohydrin passes through a filter to retain activated carbon powder, resulting in a pure epichlorohydrin product. Ultimately, the coloration of the epichlorohydrin is consistently maintained below 10 Hazen. This invention is groundbreaking in its utilization of activated carbon adsorption to reduce the coloration of epichlorohydrin products. It is the first of its kind, enabling the coloration of epichlorohydrin to be reduced from 15 Hazen to below 10 Hazen, demonstrating remarkable processing effects.