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Junzheng Group Plans to Build a Hydrogen Production from Wind and Solar Energy and Green Energy Project


Junzheng Group announced on March 7 that the company signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Administrative Office of Alxa League on March 6. It plans to invest in and construct an integrated project of hydrogen production from wind and solar energy and green energy within the territory of Alxa League.

The total investment of this project is expected to be approximately 19.36 billion yuan, and it will be implemented in two phases. The first phase is expected to invest 2.48 billion yuan, and the second phase is expected to invest 16.88 billion yuan. The project plans to build a wind and solar power generation project with a capacity of 4.03 million kilowatts, including the construction of a 1.5 billion Nm³/year water electrolysis hydrogen production device, a 300,000-ton/year green methanol project, a 600,000-ton/year green synthetic ammonia project, and a green substitution project for traditional industries.

According to the announcement, the first-phase demonstration project will build a new energy scale of 200,000 kilowatts, an 81 million Nm³/year water electrolysis hydrogen production device, and a 50,000-ton/year green synthetic ammonia project, with an investment of 1.07 billion yuan; the renewable energy substitution project of the coal-fired self-owned power plant will build a new energy scale of 280,000 kilowatts, with an investment of 1.41 billion yuan. The second-phase project will build a wind and solar power generation project with a capacity of 3.55 million kilowatts, and will be equipped with a 1.419 billion Nm³/year water electrolysis hydrogen production device, a 300,000-ton/year green methanol project, and a 550,000-ton/year green synthetic ammonia project.