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The Project for Recycling Industrial Waste Salt Resources in Jinchang, Gansu Province


Recently, Jinchang Economic and Technological Development Zone and Jiangsu Jinniu Environmental Protection Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. jointly signed a cooperation framework agreement for the бо300,000 tons/year comprehensive utilization project for recycling industrial waste salt resources.

This project can effectively dispose of the waste salt of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate produced by Jinchang, further promote the development of the comprehensive utilization industry of waste salt resources in Jinchang, solve the problem of insufficient chlorine supply for relevant enterprises in the park, and continuously improve the stability and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain.

Relevant leaders from the Jinchang Transportation Bureau, the Safety and Security Department of Jinchuan Group, and some bureaus and offices of the Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee participated in the symposium and signing ceremony.