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The Scientific and Technological Achievements of the FHPECH New Process


On March 12, Befar Group held an evaluation meeting for the scientific and technological achievements of the FHPECH new process. The meeting invited seven academicians and experts, including Li Yadong, Han Buxing, Xu Chunming, etc., from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to participate in the evaluation. Wang Xiujiang, Deputy Director of the Science, Technology and Equipment Department of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, after research and discussion by the evaluation committee, it was unanimously agreed that the scientific and technological achievements of the new FHPECH (direct oxidation of allyl chloride to produce epichlorohydrin using liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed hydrogen peroxide) process jointly developed by Befar Group and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had reached the international leading level.

Academician Han Buxing stated that the FHPECH new process is the world¡äs first fluidized bed process, which gets the most out of Befar Group¡¯s advantages in the chlor-alkali industry and is of great significance in promoting the optimization and adjustment of the chlor-alkali industrial structure and promoting high-quality development of the chemical industry.

Academician Li Yadong, representing the evaluation committee, congratulated Befar Group and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on their joint achievement of the FHPECH new process technology. He pointed out that the new process technology is advanced, and the promotion and application of this technology is conducive to the iterative upgrading of epichlorohydrin process technology. He suggested that industrialization should be achieved as soon as possible.