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Gulei will Jumpstart the Green and High-quality Development of the Petrochemical Industry


At this year¡äs National People¡äs Congress and Chinese People¡äs Political Consultative Conference, Guo Jingjing, a representative of the National People¡äs Congress and the person in charge of the Party Mass Human Resources Department of Fujian Fuhua Gulei Petrochemical Co., Ltd., proposed to accelerate the green and high-quality development of the petrochemical industry.

Guo stated that jumpstarting the formulation and implementation of standards for green products, green factories, and green parks in the petrochemical industry is conducive to creating a fair competitive environment. At the same time, based on green petrochemical standards, a number of green products, green factories and green parks are expected to be developed, thereby establishing a benchmark for green development in the industry and effectively promoting the green and sustainable development of the petrochemical industry.

Besides, Guo stressed the need to speed up the construction of a diversified energy supply system. In the hydrogen energy industry, it is necessary to significantly reduce the production of hydrogen from fossil fuels, produce hydrogen by renewable energy based on local conditions, and promote the integration and development of hydrogen and petrochemical industries. In the field of photovoltaic wind power, we should continue the combination of centralized and distributed methods, and promote the construction of distributed photovoltaic power stations and automotive charging and swapping stations. In the bioenergy industry, it is necessary to promote advanced bio liquid fuels, sustainable aviation fuels, and other alternatives to traditional fuels and advance the research and utilization of bioenergy.

In response to original innovation weakness in China¡äs petrochemical industry, Guo suggested carrying out collaborative research and development between industry, academia, and research to cultivate and strengthen new driving forces for green development. Efforts should also be made to conduct in-depth research and evaluation on the direction and trends of technological innovation in the petrochemical industry, identify the basic research pain points that hinder the development of key and core technologies, continuously strengthen technological innovation and adopt the latest technological achievements, and carry out major green and low-carbon technology industrialied demonstration applications.