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Key Points for National Standardization Work in 2024 Released


Recently, the National Standardization Administration released the " Key Points for National Standardization Work in 2024" (referred to as the "Key Points"), which made clear arrangements for standardization work in the petrochemical industry. The Key Points have refined 90 work points from six aspects.
a. Focus on expanding domestic demand and accelerating the promotion of a new round of standards.
b. Cultivate new advantages in international competition and cooperation by vigorously implementing leap projects for standard internationalization.
c. Vigorously build a modern industrial system and concentrate efforts to carry out a number of major landmark projects for standard and stable chains.
d. Accelerate the development of a unified national market, continuously optimize the new standard system, and focus on strengthening the implementation and application of standards.
e. Build a new system of an open economy with a higher level of openness and steadily expand standard openness at the institutional level.
f. Realize the high-quality development of standardization, focus on consolidating the foundation of standardization development, and expand the influence of standardization.

In terms of expanding domestic demand and accelerating the promotion of a new round of standard upgrading, the "Key Points" propose to quickly revise a series of mandatory national standards for energy consumption quotas and product and equipment energy efficiency, formulate and revise pollutant emission standards for key industries such as pesticides, starch, and petrochemicals, and lead the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries. Aside from that, it is proposed that we should strengthen the formulation and implementation of mandatory national standards for key industrial products and special equipment related to safety as we strive to achieve the goal of "remaining resilient in the face of tough enemies or difficulties and trying to be as strong as possible". Also, we shall advance the upgrading of standards in fields such as CNC machine tools, and promote the high-end, intelligent, and green transformation of equipment materials.

In the Key Points, we also see the need to proactively lay out a number of new standards in areas such as new energy storage, hydrogen energy, and safety emergency equipment, guide the direction of industrial development, and shape new business models and formats.